What are fake health foods? They are simply the foods that give you the notion that they are healthy due to the marketing and the label on the front. They also give you the notion that they are the healthiest option, but when you breakdown the ingredients there's not much that's healthy about them.
For example, orange juice. This is nothing more then just sugar and water in most cases. What about veggie chips? Covered in canola oil which is not your best option. Or what about granola bars? Always pushed as the healthy option but some of them have more sugar then a candy bar.
This is why you have to look at the back label and understand what the ingredients are in your food. Most of the food that you need to be eating does not need to be marketed to you. You will never find an ad for a bell pepper or mushroom because it sells itself and that is the real food you need to be consuming most of the time.
If you really want to know what is in your food you might not want to pay attention to the low carb, high carb, the lowest sugar, the high protein (which might only be 1 gram more of protein then the original product). Focus on the back of the label and figure out the ingredients that you should be eating to find out how healthy your food really is.