You gut is your second brain and it's connected to the brain by millions of nerves that transmit signals to your brain called Neurotransmitters.
Eating too quickly can lead to weight gain and many times you're not really enjoying your food as much as you could if you slowed down.
When you eat quickly you're not giving yourself enough time to digest the food properly and therefore your gut brain connection doesn't know you're full. Your gut is your second brain and is connected to the brain by millions of nerves that transmit signals to your brain called Neurotransmitters.
If you focus on slowing down by chewing your food more, your body has time to digest the food and send signals to the brain to tell it that you're full. The next time you're at a buffet, try slowing down by chewing your food more, then wait 15 minutes before going for round two. Most times your gut will signal to your brain that you're full and you'll probably end up either not going for another round of food or reducing the amount of food you do put on your plate. Slowing down promotes fullness and weight loss and may also provide other health benefits. If you eat high fiber foods you will naturally slow down your eating as it takes longer to chew foods that are high in fiber.